Even those who lead a completely normal and healthy lifestyle can be affected by nail fungus. Most fungi are spread in saunas, swimming pools and beaches. However, given that the disease is not new, it can always be overcome with the help of folk remedies. According to statistics, people who live a healthy lifestyle are most often affected by fungal diseases. They regularly visit active public entertainment venues where they are attacked by the virus. Gyms, swimming pools and saunas are the main spreaders of the disease.
Causes of Toenail Fungus
It should be pointed out immediately that nail fungus (onychomycosis in medicine) is a fairly stable type of infection. The disease affects the entire nail, destroying it and gradually moving to the skin. The pathogen is a common fungal infection that spreads easily from person to person. Onychomycosis affects all parts of the legs. For example, you can wipe your feet once with a stranger's towel and leave this unpleasant virus on your body. This is why all rules of personal hygiene must be followed when visiting public places with active recreation and sports. The unpleasant thing about this disease is that it is not limited to the destruction of the nails, it gradually spreads to the skin. Treating skin fungus is fundamentally different from treating nail fungus. In any case, if you find fungus on yourself, see a mycologist immediately. Only he can decide how to remove the fungus from your body. Nail fungus is usually caused by fungal organisms called dermatophytes. These creatures' favorite places are their toes. The problem is that people are used to wearing tighter shoes, which create ideal conditions (lack of light, heat and humidity) for the fungus to live and thrive. Also, blood circulation in the feet is much poorer than in the rest of the body, making it difficult for our body's immune system to detect and destroy these bacteria. In addition, there is an increased risk of contracting fungal infections:
- When working at high temperature;
- in the presence of psoriasis;
- When wearing shoes that are uncomfortable and have poor airflow;
- if the nails are damaged;
- have diabetes;
- When walking barefoot in various public places (baths, swimming pools, gyms);
- You can get toenail fungus when your immune system is weakened;
Nail Fungus Symptoms

The main signs of nail fungus on the legs:
- deformed nail shape;
- Affected nails gradually darken;
- nails fall off and become too brittle;
Also, the affected nail will often fall off the nail bed. In medicine, this deviation is called onycholysis. Fingertip pain and a characteristic odor are the first symptoms of onycholysis. If help is not provided to those with fungal infections in a timely manner, the disease will persist and then only progress and develop. After the main signs of the disease are detected, a person must see a qualified doctor to determine how to treat nail fungus.
How to Identify and Identify Nail Fungus?
Many people are interested in the question of how to identify fungi at home. To do this, you need to take a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and dilute it in water until it appears purple. You need to lower your leg into this solution and hold it there for a while. In the presence of fungus, brown areas are bound to appear on the nails, indicating a fungal infection in the body. After surgery, the leg must be treated with a 15% hydrogen peroxide solution. If in doubt, seek medical attention immediately.
We treat nail fungus with medication
Different research groups believe that the most effective way to combat foot fungus is currently a formulation containing terbinafine. The action of the fund is not only aimed at destroying the fungus, but also at renewing the nails and skin. Overall, the treatment time is about two to three months, but the final results of the treatment will only be seen after the new nails have grown in. The same medicine can treat fungus on your hands. The treatment process is similar. You also need to keep in mind that the fungus may return if the feet are regularly exposed to warm, humid conditions. The danger of this disease is that the virus itself is extremely tenacious and, moreover, it rapidly develops immunity to the components that make up the active substance. Therefore, if the infection is not treated the first time, it is not possible to treat it with the same drug later. The same is true of disease recurrence. In this case, you will have to choose a new drug and a fundamentally different active ingredient.
We got rid of fungus with the help of proven folk remedies
- Areas affected by fungal infections should be lubricated with a 20 percent propolis solution. For maximum effect, you can rub them with onion pulp. To do this, you must first crush some medium-sized onions and apply the resulting mixture to the damaged areas of the skin and nails.
- Mix alcohol and garlic pulp in equal proportions and dilute with a small amount of pure distilled water. The resulting mixture should be applied to damaged areas.
- Garlic dressing works just as well. It's these compresses that deal with those fungal diseases that are difficult to treat with medication. In addition to compresses, garlic should be taken orally.
- Patients should definitely drink garlic tinctures and garlic tea - they are great for fungal nail disorders. Results are visible within five to six days.
- Another proven remedy is wine vinegar. Affected feet must be washed thoroughly and dipped in a bowl of wine vinegar. After that, you need to put on the vinegar soaked socks and sleep in them.
- A fairly simple but effective remedy for nail fungus has been used since ancient times—morning jogging dew. Running for half an hour with morning dew can not only relieve fungal infections on the feet, but also relieve problems such as corns, rashes, and corns. After a run, you can't wipe your legs anyway, you have to dry yourself. To enhance the evening effect, you need to rub your leg with a raw potato and massage the infected area. You can use this method for no more than a month. But the first results will be visible in a few weeks.
- Crush mint leaves with table salt and place the resulting mixture between your toes for an hour. Treatment should be continued until the nail fungus has completely disappeared.
- Common folk methods include the use of celandine and milkweed. Take a small bunch of milkweed and pour it into three liters of clean boiled water. The mixture is infused for several hours and must be wrapped in a blanket. After the decoction is injected, put your legs in it once every two days for thirty to forty minutes. Euphorbia has a softening effect and is helpful for nail clipping. Again, you need to prepare celandine, which is also used.
- Lilac has proven itself well, and it does a great job with nail fungus. About 10 grams of cloves should be added to a cup of alcohol and soaked for two weeks. Tinctures are used to lubricate infected areas of the skin and nails.
- Another method involves using cocklebur leaves. You need to squeeze the juice out of them and apply it to your skin and nails.
- Last but not least, an antifungal drug includes a ton of different herbs. An equal ratio of horsetail, blackberry leaves, verbena, calendula, and willow bark is required. From this mixture, you just take ten grams and pour it into a glass of water. Bring it all to a boil over the heat, then remove from the stove and let it cook for three to four hours. With the finished broth, you need to make the emulsion and place the compresses. For added effects, take one tablespoon by mouth three to four times a day.